Engage, trust, act.

Sending a message with imagery has to create a reaction and lead to action. Different cultures and backgrounds will connect with different emotive calls to action but all need to create trust and confidence.


I would love the opportunity to work with Freuds+ for the Terrence Higgins Trust


I enjoy engaging with the subject in any shoot and creating a conversation that can be seen and understood by the audience. I believe in real emotions and that the audience can judge when the subject is actually present in the message or just standing for a photo. Real, engaging, approachable, understood, trust, confidence and inspiring are all words that I would want to find a place for in this campaign.


Sending a serious message requires sensitivity to the tone but always needs to be approachable and feel kind.


Use a key light to give feel of real. Beauty dishes and filling all the shadows take the subject away from reality and the message away from one of trust. Keylight for daylight. This design also brings in cutting the borders away from the subject, giving extra lift for the subject and engaging them with the audience.

Make it POP

Use body angle, gestures and lens effects to bring the image to life; give it POP to create impactful message delivery.

Movement & Thought

Use movement to make it real and engage with the subject whilst shooting to create believable emotive imagery. A subtle smile with thought creates confidence and empathy whilst a ‘smile’ for the photo moment, can miss the emotive engagement that an audience searches for.

Hand Positioning / Gesture

Obviously gesture is going to be extremely important throughout the campaign imagery but especially for the ‘Give HIV The Finger’ element. This can be used as in the ‘POP’ section above but also important as an emotive element. Every time we use the finger it will be for artistic effect but most importantly emotive connection.

I look forward to discussing any input that you would like at any stage in the creative process and would love to shoot this for you.

Many Thanks
